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7th Global Nephrology Meeting

Cape Town, South Africa

Ievgeniia Burlaka

Ievgeniia Burlaka

National O.O. Bogomolets Medical University, Ukraine

Title: Apoptosis dependent kidney damages in children with primary and secondary proteinuric diseases


Biography: Ievgeniia Burlaka


Research shows that the level and type of proteinuria (whether the urinary proteins are albumin only - albuminuria) are a good indicator of the extent of kidney damage and a predictor of the irreversible kidney damage. Proteinuria may occur as a sing of kidney disease that are primary proteinuric i.e. nephrotic syndrome and in kidney diseases that develop proteinuria secondary to primary injury (diabetic nephropathy). The aim of the study was to investigate the level of metabolic-hypoxic disorders and the condition of apoptosis controlling system in children with nephrotic syndrome and diabetic nephropathy.