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7th Global Nephrology Meeting

Cape Town, South Africa

Jose de jesus oswaldo Islas garcia

Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil

Title: There is a trans-abdominal testicular descent during the second gestational trimester? Study in human fetuses between 13 and 23 weeks post conception


Biography: Jose de jesus oswaldo Islas garcia


To confirm if a real inner descend of testis occurs the testicular position with fetal parameters and analyzing the position of the testes relative to the internal ring We studied 29 human fetuses between 13 and 23 weeks post conception (WPC). The foetuses were carefully dissected with the aid of a stereoscopic lens with 16/25X magnification and testicular position observed. With the aid of a digital pachymeter we measured the distance between the lower pole of the kidney and the upper extremity of the testis (DK-T) to show the position of the testis. During the dissection we also indicated the position of the testes relative to the internal ring. Means were statistically compared using simple linear regression and the paired T-test.